IMHO it is disturbing that one of the most essential processes in Debian
-- acceptance of new and modified packages -- operates almost in secrecy.

Unlike most Debian teams, ftp-masters communicate in private mail list.
I understand why security team might need to operate without full public
disclosure but I see no reason for ftp-masters to avoid transparency.
Wouldn't it be easier to understand what to expect if everyone could see
how team operates?

To make matters worse ftp-masters rarely leave their comments in ITP
issues. As I've recently learned that have profound effect on processing of
new packages.

One of my packages spent a year in the NEW queue at some point raising to
position number 4. Apparently before release of Buster (2019-07-06) member
of ftp-masters team left an internal (invisible to the public) comment on
my package that was not communicated to me until 7 months later when my
package was rejected based on that comment. The comment could have been
addressed without delay if it was left on the corresponding ITP issue where
it belong.

A precious time was lost but more importantly one can see that current
process requires an extra effort to communicate with maintainers -- a
something that would not be necessary if ftp-masters use the official
channel that exist specifically to discuss introduction of new packages --
ITP bug reports.

I'd like Debian project leader to engage in the matter of improving
transparency of ftp-masters team operations and procedures.

As very minimum I recommend to change current ftp-master procedures to use
ITP bugs instead of internal comments whenever possible, for the sake of
transparency and to optimise communication.

I want to encourage a public discussion regarding opening of the ftp-master
mail list to the public. Currently reasons for unjustified secrecy of ftp-
master processes is not explained...

All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


Honesty is a gift we can give to others. It is also a source of power and
an engine of simplicity. Knowing that we will attempt to tell the truth,
whatever the circumstances, leaves us with little to prepare for. We can
simply be ourselves.
        -- Sam Harris

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