在 2020-02-18二的 23:58 -0500,The Wanderer写道:
> On 2020-02-18 at 20:50, Guillem Jover wrote:
> > On Sun, 2020-02-16 at 11:59:56 +0000, Simon McVittie wrote:
> > 
> > > I would be grateful if people who advocate transitioning
> > > individual packages, and people who consider the approach taken by
> > > usrmerge and debootstrap to be sufficient, could refer to their
> > > preferred route in a way that makes it clear which one they are
> > > advocating. Saying we should do a transition "properly" is
> > > tautologous - of course we should! - but when people disagree about
> > > what the proper way to do it is, it becomes an ambiguous
> > > recommendation that doesn't guide anyone to do the right thing.
> > 
> > I've been consistently calling the concept of merging /* into /usr/*
> > as merged-/usr and the specific approach of using directory symlinks
> > as merged-/usr-via-symlinks (although I think that's confusing as
> > the other approach does use symlink farms), so I think using either
> > merged-/usr-via-aliased-dirs or merged-/usr-via-symlink-dirs is more
> > clear (will be renaming the buildinfo tainted tag). The approach
> > I've been proposing I'd call merged-/usr-via-moves-and-symlink-farms
> > or something along those lines.
> As a tangent, because this has never made sense to me:
> Is there a reason this is all looking to merge /* into /usr/* instead of
> the other way around?

Sure. Before we repeat all discussions that we previously made again, I invite
everyone currently reading this thread to take a look at Debian's Technical
Committee's last decision again:

* https://bugs.debian.org/914897
* https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2019/03/msg00001.html

(Apologize that this TC decision was not reflected on www.debian.org; it is a
long overdue for the debian-www team... Merge Requests welcome!)

I hope this could provide more background to you and further discussions can
be made on top of the TC decision.

Boyuan Yang

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