On Sun, 2020-03-08 at 11:44 -0400, Marvin Renich wrote:
> * jnq...@gmail.com <jnq...@gmail.com> [200308 10:58]:
> > On Sat, 2020-03-07 at 21:30 +0100, Tomas Pospisek wrote:
> > > The problem is that installing the package will automatically
> > > start
> > > the
> > > daemon cluster in a "default" configuration.
> > > 
> > > [1]
> > > https://askubuntu.com/questions/74061/install-packages-without-starting-background-processes-and-services#
> > 
> > i can't comment on what might be considered an "official" solution.
> > 
> > how live-build achieves this is essentially the same as happens to
> > be
> > discussed in the linked page for Debian's debootstrap package (the
> > tool
> > for building the base filesystem).
> > 
> > that is to use dpkg-divert to temporarily replace the /sbin/start-
> > stop-
> > daemon binary with something that essentially just exits with
> > success
> > (i.e. 0). This could be an empty shell script (or one that prints a
> > warning about the diversion being in place as in the linked
> > discussion)
> > or a symlink to /bin/true.
> > 
> > enabling diversion:
> > ```
> > dpkg-divert --add --rename /sbin/start-stop-daemon
> > ln -fs /bin/true /sbin/start-stop-daemon
> > ```
> > 
> > removing diversion:
> > ```
> > rm -f /sbin/start-stop-daemon
> > dpkg-divert --remove --rename /sbin/start-stop-daemon
> > ```
> I'm surprised that live-build does this and that debootstrap does as
> well.  Note that the link above, farther down the page, gives what I
> thought was the "correct" answer, which is to create a script,
> /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d, which simply invokes exit 101.  This is also
> the
> method described in the Debian wiki page for chroot [2].
> live-build and debootstrap may have been doing this since before the
> policy-rc.d API was defined, and they may also have more strict needs
> than is defined by policy-rc.d (e.g. handling misbehaving packages).
> However, for the OP's original purpose described in this thread, I
> believe the policy-rc.d approach is the correct solution, and
> dpkg-divert should be avoided.
> [2] https://wiki.debian.org/chroot
> ...Marvin

as corrected in an earlier addition to this discussion I amended my
description of live-build's approach to include that it does both the
start-stop-daemon approach _and_ the policy-rc.d approach (which I'd

debootstrap does both also, but avoiding without using dpkg-divert
itself for the move of start-stop-daemon (it just moves the file).

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