On 7/6/20 8:04 AM, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> Hi,
> On 04/07/20 at 13:24 +0200, Steffen Möller wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just skimmed through https://trends.debian.net/ and am impressed. Many
>> thanks for these figures.
> Thanks
>> Do you accept wishes for additional graphs? 
> Sure
>> Mine would be on the number of build dependencies as a scale for
>> software complexity and how this evolved over time. My hunch is that
>> later software has more dependencies than earlier ones. Would of course
>> be cool to also have other software metrics over time. Anyway -
>> fanstastic plots already!
> I use lintian as the source of data. So basically you need to get the
> information you want in a lintian classification tag, and then I take
> care of adding the graphs :)
> For your above example, do you mean "direct build-deps listed in
> debian/control", or "transitive build-deps" ? The latter would require a
> lot more analysis.

is the complexity really defined by the number of build deps?  What about the
height of the build stack for a package? Like determining the dependency levels
in ben, but that for every package.


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