On Sat, 2020-07-11 at 22:12 -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> I don't run either systemd or NetworkManager, and I'm not currently
> interested in changing either of those things, but I am interested in
> trying out an alternative to wpa_supplicant. Is there an appropriate
> similar procedure for such an environment, or would I have to
> experiment and play around trying to get things to work?

I don't use network manager, so I'm in a similar position.

From what I can see iwd lacks two features of wpa_supplicant.

Firstly, there doesn't seem to be a way to attach iwd to a particular
wireless interface.  Iwctl doesn't provide one, and I don't see any
other way to tell it.  Most people have just one wireless interface so
it may not be a huge issue but it is an impedance miss-match with
things like ifupdown that are focused on interfaces.  Maybe that's the
problem with network manager too.

Secondly, it doesn't support wpa_supplicant's priorities.  I use them a
fair bit.  For example, I tell wpa_supplicant to favour my phone WiFi
hotspot over others, so if I have a connectivity issue I can just turn
it on.  That said, I guess I could just use iwctl to manually connect
to the phone.

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