On Thu, Sep 03, 2020 at 10:47:06AM +0200, Tomas Pospisek wrote:
> On 02.09.20 15:08, Mark Pearson wrote:
> > Hi Debian developers,
> > 
> > Following on from DebConf 2020 (which I thoroughly enjoyed - thank you!)
> > the Lenovo portal that was announced is now available:
> > 
> > US: http://www.lenovo.com/us/en/Linux
> > Canada: http://www.lenovo.com/ca/en/linuxca
> I think before jumping on this offer, one should consider this:
> https://www.aspi.org.au/report/uyghurs-sale
> Lenovo is by far not the only company producing laptops with forced
> labor involved, however they have not - as of today - as far as I can
> see - cared to comment on those report at all:
> * they have neither denied nor ack'ed it
> * and they haven't said either that they'd no longer use forced labor to
> produce their wares
> I'd conclude from that, that Lenovo still is, will be, and is not
> planing to stop using forced labor to produce those laptops.
> I'm not sure there are alternatives: I have not researched them
> intensively yet - I am currently in need of a new laptop too, so I'll
> have to look around whether there are other brands that do not rely on
> companies that employ forced labor. Pointers welcome.

You may want to consider System76 [0] and Purism [1].

They are not in the force labor lists pointed in this thread, maybe
they are ethically better than the others.


[0] https://system76.com
[1] https://puri.sm

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