On 2020-09-30 19:31 +0200, Roland Fehrenbacher wrote:

> Hi,
> a quick question to the list, since I didn't find an answer after a
> significant time of searching:
> Is it allowed to have a source package with a build dependency on a pkg in
> non-free (in this particular case nvidia-cuda-toolkit) and resulting
> binary packages to go partly to main and others to contrib?

No, see Policy ยง2.2.1:

| In addition, the packages in *main*
| * must not require or recommend a package outside of *main* for
|   compilation or execution (thus, the package must not declare a "Pre-
|   Depends", "Depends", "Recommends", "Build-Depends", "Build-Depends-
|   Indep", or "Build-Depends-Arch" relationship on a non-*main* package
|   unless that package is only listed as a non-default alternative for
|   a package in *main*),


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