
I was wondering why the package drop-seq was not migrating.  Testing
excuses[1] says

   drop-seq-tools/arm64 has unsatisfiable dependency
   uninstallable on arch *, not running autopkgtest there

While the package itself is

   Architecture: all

it depends from picard-tools which is amd64 only.  Thus the package does
not install on other architectures.  My fix for this problem was now to
restrict the test architectures to amd64 only[2] - hoping that this will

However, in general I think the testing migration should not prevented
for the only reason that debci is trying to install a package on some
architecture where it just can not be installed.  I'd be really happy if
this could be implemented in some way.  Than the workaround[2] would not
be needed any more.

Kind regards


[1] https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=drop-seq


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