
Quoting Andrej Shadura (2020-11-10 10:27:44)
> On Tue, 10 Nov 2020, at 08:28, Paul Wise wrote:
> > > The current proposal is to reduce the main Packages.xz files size by
> > > splitting[4] out all of the packages that are not intended for users,
> > > writing those into an own file. Those packages would have a section of
> > > "buildlibs", independent of their other properties.
> > Should (almost?) everything in the existing libdevel section move to
> > the new buildlibs section?
> I wouldn’t say so.
> If I install, say, libftdi-dev, I expect to be able to do actual development
> with it, for Debian or not. In fact, installing libftdi-dev would be the
> first thing I do if I were to develop with the library.
> On the contrary, if I’m going to do some development with, say, clap (Rust
> command-line arguments parser), I wouldn’t install librust-clap-dev; more
> than that, if I actually did, I’d be very difficult for me to actually use it
> to develop an app.

I'm confused. We are packaging libraries of language X but then those packages
will not be used by people who write software for language X on Debian?
Intuitively, should I ever start with Rust, I would've thought that I had to
install librust-clap-dev if I want to write code using "clap". What else would
I install?

If I understand the goal of "buildlibs" correctly, then it seems like quite a
bit of a misnomer. The section will not focus on libraries to build stuff but
on packages that are only ever used for Debian-internal stuff, so things I
would not even need if I were to "build" software, right?


cheers, josch

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