On Sat, 14 Nov 2020 at 00:06:26 +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:
> > OK, that makes sense. You should be able to achieve this with:
> > 
> >     dh_installsystemduser --no-enable
> Hmm, I have
> override_dh_installinit:
>         dh_installinit --no-start --no-enable
> but the actual .service files are already installed by upstream's make
> install.
> Is there a considerable difference?

dh_installsystemduser is for systemd user units in /usr/lib/systemd/user.
It only acts on user units, and doesn't touch the system (pid 1) instance
of systemd.

In debhelper compat levels >= 11, systemd system units in
/lib/systemd/system are handled by dh_installsystemd, which conversely
only acts on *system* units, and doesn't touch the *user* instance
of systemd.

In debhelper compat levels < 10, systemd system units are handled by
a mixture of dh_installinit, dh_systemd_enable and dh_systemd_start.
I'd recommend using compat level 12 or later if you can - it'll be
less confusing.

It's OK (preferred, even) that the .service files come from upstream's
make install: debhelper knows how to look for systemd units in debian/tmp
after installation. If you add .target units, those are probably something
to contribute upstream too: I don't see any reason why they should be

The --no-enable option to dh_installsystemduser is the equivalent of
the options of the same name in dh_installinit and dh_installsystemd.
There's no --no-start option for dh_installsystemduser, because
dh_installsystemduser doesn't start services anyway.


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