> > I find the name "Small Organisation" a bit misleading. In my
> > experience, often even
> > massive companies and universities need small, easily deployed
> > services that are
> > maintained independently from the core infrastructure.
> > Sometimes it is to serve remote offices with limited connectivity,
> > or
> > to test a new
> > service quickly, or use it on vehicles with intermittent or
> > expensive
> > connectivity, or
> > to keep very sensitive data isolated or ensure legal compliance and
> > so on...
> > 
> Such small offices generally have recourse to a central IT
> organisation. I have supported, as part of a corporate IT team, a
> number of offices which have a small local server on the company WAN,
> and an office administrator who changes the ink in the printer, might
> change backup tapes and do a lot of the day to day work, but they had
> access to more technical help if needed.
> Best wishes
> John

Having said that, I started as a scientist trying to get things done
which were not a good match to the services the central IT team
provided. IT, like many other things, is strongly influenced by 'The
grass is always greener on the other side of the fence' and there are
many advantages to running a large organisation as a set of federated
units, and if they are based on a set of federated standards to
communicate with each other, then they can be more flexible and move
faster. For example running their own specialist departmental web site
etc, rather than having to fit into a central CMS which might not meet
their needs



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