On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 05:08:36PM +1300, Joel Wirāmu Pauling wrote:

> Streams is currently being used by several very large orgs, and it makes
> sense to make it really a RHEL-next+ project, which is effectively what it

I wish you didn't speak in absolutes, because I find it, in view of my
current personal experience, frankly offensive.

To be honest, I'm really glad it works for you. But if you try to tell
others that it's all a great idea, I'll ask you not to patronize those
who are having different problems that yours.

The following narration can be considered a work of fiction, based on a
true story.

Somewhere Critical For Society, during a global pandemic, we're halfway
through a Centos7 to Centos8 migration that's been going on for months
and will go on for months more. This is part of a specific long term
strategy that uses release jumps as opportunities to review and address
obsolescence of a technically, socially, and organizationally complex
production ecosystem.

Halfway through that careful migration plan, IBM switches the annouced
and established 10 years of support for Centos8 to "until next year".
Suddenly we realise that our careful migration will likely last longer
than the system we're migrating to. We however have the option of
retargeting everything on the fly to a hypotetical distribution that
doesn't exist yet.

In our case, containers are not an option, but a nightmare scenario.
We are in fact extremely careful NOT to use containers. If containers
ever start to be used within the peculiarities of that environment, then
20 years from now we'll have accumulated countless unique black boxes
each with their little custom container setup. At some point one of
them will suddenly stop working because of whatever unexepected time_t
overflow or something else that was managed by a libc transition 10
years before that however didn't happen in that container, and suddenly
there's going to be 20 years of technological debt to catch up. Catch up
will have to happen literally immediately, because the level of a river
just raised above a critical threshold and the component that failed was
part of a production chain that computes which of the towns downstream
need evacuating.

You and countless others will have wonderful ideas of how containers
could be used to make even such a setup so much better. I would consider
voicing those ideas, without having made a serious effort to understand
the peculiarities of the system that is supposed to adopt them, an act
of extremely bad taste.


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