On Tue, Feb 09, 2021 at 10:40:39AM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Jonas Smedegaard <jo...@jones.dk> writes:
> > Let's see if Debian can agree on a single normalization of 822-ish
> > files.  For starters, I disagree that "wrap-and-sort -a" is a suitable
> > normalization, as that will involve re-indentation when keys change.
> > Instead, I propose this as starting point:
> >   wrap-and-sort -ast
> I've been using wrap-and-sort -ast on all of my packages for a while, with
> much the same justification.

Indeed, same here :)

> My recollection is that the relevant Config::Model model has a slightly
> different preferred normalization form?  Those are the two most common
> tools used for this, I think, so if the two of them could agree, that
> would go a long way towards having a common format (and this may have
> already happened without me knowing).

That's exactly what I'm saying in the above bug.
That bug asks to change wrap-and-sort's defaults, and my answer is
saying that if the default change, we should do the same to cme.

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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