On Jul 19, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside <deb...@polynamaude.com> wrote:

> So if I get it right...
Except for /boot/, which may be required for technical reasons, there 
is no need to further partition your file system unless you actually 
have reasons to do it.

> One partiton for /boot
> One partition for /usr
> One partition for /usr/local (if you feel like it)
> One / partiton that will contain not much stuff other than config files ?
> One partition for /var (if you feel)
> One partition for /opt, /srv ...
> One partition for /tmp
If you are aiming for overcomplexity then I think that you forgot /home.

> The root partition can be small as 16 Gb as it won't contain much ?
If you create a partition for everything else as described here then 
/ will only contain /etc and /root, so even 1 GB will be enough.
But again, I do not really recommend this.

I do not recommend to partition general purpose systems with less than 
a few hundreds of GBs of allocated disk space.


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