On Tue, 2021-07-20 at 21:13 -0400, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside
> Ended up with a 3 month useless discussion regarding if this would
> give
> a bad impression, that we need to use node for doing development.
> Later on I was working on a plugin that treated huge amount of data.
> So
> I introduced Vue.JS, again a three month discussion with people
> saying
> it's a overhead, even after explaining that you can't always do
> server
> side processing and serve all the data at a time. Even if people
> didn't
> understand a word about the global concept and the system as a whole,
> they halted the project.
> So I just let go my participation.
> Now 4 years later, they are integrating Vue.JS and Node doing code
> validation while development.
> One of the main reason some people don't want to invest time in FOSS
> project is exactly because of that type of toxic situation that make
> everyone look like crazy nut head.

I find it pretty crazy that you think FOSS is toxic, when in reality
the only toxic thing about this situation was when you labeled a
discussion as "useless".  They didn't want to use your technology stack
four years ago.  Now they do.  Throwing a temper tantrum when you don't
get your way isn't doing anyone else any favors. 

P.S. You may be the biggest hippocrit in these mailing lists.


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