On Sat, 2021-08-21 at 20:45 +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 21, 2021 at 06:47:50PM +0100, Luca Boccassi wrote:
> > My recollection (which might be wrong, but a quick look at release
> > notes seems to support it with 11.04 having multiarch 2 years
> > before
> > Wheezy) is that Canonical led the way with the multiarch effort in
> > Ubuntu, and Debian followed with lots of huffing, puffing and
> > grumbling.
> As a Canonical employee who was involved in the multiarch design work
> at
> the time, this is a pretty unfair-to-Debian version of history.  Yes,
> some things took a bit longer to get organized on the Debian side for
> various reasons, but the design and implementation work was done in
> collaboration with key people in Debian and was definitely better for
> it; Guillem and Raphaël in particular did a lot of hard work on dpkg
> and
> dpkg-dev respectively.  (Also, several of us on the Canonical side
> regarded ourselves as having one foot firmly in each camp; I
> certainly
> didn't see it as a confrontational sort of thing where we were having
> to
> drag Debian along with us - rather the contrary, there was a lot of
> enthusiasm in Debian for it.)

So my recollection was indeed wrong - I'll happily retract the comment
with apologies, thank you for correcting me.

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

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