
On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 7:00 PM Otto Kekäläinen <o...@kekalainen.net> wrote:
> I noticed that Lintian has recently started erroring on
> https://lintian.debian.org/tags/systemd-service-in-odd-location
> I can't find this requirement anywhere in the Debian Policy, e.g.
> does not mention anything about systemd paths.
> Seems dh_systemd_enable still installs files into /lib/systemd/system/
> and I find it confusing that apparently Lintian errors on what
> debhelper does by default. Please enlighten me on what I have missed.

I stumbled upon this earlier but was told by a fellow developer that this
is due
to lintian being already updated, but debhelper isn't (in unstable) yet

The files will move location once rebuilt with the new debhelper without any
action on the packaging side.


- u

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