Hello Dear Debians,

what is the best practice for easy update & dist-upgrade:

 1. in terms of speed and easy of distro updates, it makes sense to separate
      * /root (software (programs) that can be re-downloaded) (on
        separate single suepr fast SSD or NVMe)
      * /home (non-reblacable unique data (massive amounts of space with
        8x4TB software mdadm RAID10))
 2. when a new Debian 12 is coming out
      * how to re-play all those changes, installs, configs and programs
        made to /root?
      * mergo changes from a git repo into (also changed/updated by
        distro) config files?
          o and just pray it works :) (it will very often work :)
 3. if things go wrong there is still this nice "show me all changes to
    logs in beautiful colors" one liner
      * (ccze is very much needed also in Debian 12 :) (tried many
      * find /var/log/* -type f \( -name "*" \) ! -path '*.gz*' -exec
        tail -n0 -f "$file" {} + | ccze

would it be cool if such a system was already "build into" GNU Linux Debian?


 1. install a very basic Debian 11 template
 2. apply all changes (all changes will be recorded to a separate
    partition (!?) or a local git repo!?) and saved as a "config
    snapshot" that can be re applied as soon as Debian 12 template is
    released :)?

just an idea :)

to automate those updates :)

(which with very basic systems with basic services just work (mostly)
flawlessly thanks all involved :)

best reg

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