On 2021-10-11 11:20:03 +0200 (+0200), Yadd wrote:
> For now:
>   $ cat tags/s/source-contains-prebuilt-javascript-object.tag
>   Tag: source-contains-prebuilt-javascript-object
>   Severity: pedantic
>   Check: cruft
>   Explanation: The source tarball contains a prebuilt (minified)
>    JavaScript object.
>    They are usually left by mistake when generating the tarball by not
>    cleaning the source directory first. You may want to report this as
>    an upstream bug, in case there is no sign that this was intended.
> Following this discussion, it should be a "Severity: error",
> shouldn't it?

I expect it would only be an error if the original source code for
it is not also included somewhere in main (either in the same source
package or another one), though how to be certain of that is a topic
for debate. If the upstream project developers assert the object was
built from a specific source and that source is available/included,
then it's up to the package maintainer to determine whether they can
be trusted in that regard or the upstream release needs to be
repacked to strip it out for fear that's not actually true. Either
way, the object really shouldn't be copied into the binary package
though, and should be rebuilt at package build time instead in order
to confirm all of the compiled form can be built exclusively with
tools available in main.
Jeremy Stanley

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