On Fri, 2021-11-12 at 08:38 +0100, Ansgar wrote:
> Hi Svante,
> On Thu, 2021-11-11 at 23:22 +0100, Svante Signell wrote:
> > I'm not sure he has the skill or experience enough to submit a patch to
> > dpkg. Complaining is much easier than proposing something constructive.
> I would like to remind you that Debian expects somewhat decent behavior
> of contributors. Please see https://www.debian.org/code_of_conduct
> Ansgar

And I want to also add that even if the same request was expressed in
an acceptable form (it was not), may I also remind participants in this
thread that according to our Constitution (2.1), no project member is
obliged to do work on anything they don't want to, and hence it follows
that it is not appropriate to berate a fellow project member for this
reason, even if it was done in a respectful tone (which again it was
not, in this occasion).

So if any project member feels particularly strongly about this issue,
which to the best of my knowledge has not been actually observed in the
wild despite this setup being the default for 100% of Ubuntu users who
install/upgrade to 21.10, 100% of new Ubuntu installs since ~2018 and
an unspecified number of Debian installs being the default in our
installer too for the past two stable releases (and despite other
unrelated Replaces: bugs actually existing and being reported over
time), the constructive way forward would seem to me to contribute the
work themselves to solve it. I dare say it would help their cause a
great deal more, instead of rekindling flame wars on a mailing list, to
come here and say "Hey, here's an alternative
tool/patchset/software/mechanism that has the exact same result but
does not suffer from the issue we are worried about. Could you help us
test it, please?". I for one would be happy to help testing such

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

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