
Lintian in Debian unstable has a new test that my package is failing on:

Can somebody who recently fixed this in their own package give some
advice how I should fix it for mariadb-10.6?

See example of Lintian error about libmariadbd.a in context at

in https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=977596 there is a
shell example how to test for no-code-sections, but it does not return
anything for me locally:

readelf -W --section-headers
./debian/tmp/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmariadbd.a | sed -n '/^ *\[[
0-9]*\]/s/ *\[[ 0-9]*\] *//p' | awk 'BEGIN {rv=1} /^NULL/ {next} $1
~/^.(text|data|(preinit|init|fini)_array$)/ {if ($5 !~ /^0+$/) rv=0}
END { exit rv}'
readelf: Warning: unable to apply unsupported reloc type 21 to section

(or https://paste.debian.net/1220493/ with no line breaks)

Any suggestions how to debug this locally so I can validate if various
changes in debian/rules fixes it or not?

- Otto

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