On 01/12/2021 13:14, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
Quoting Yadd (2021-12-01 13:04:09)
On 01/12/2021 12:50, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
Possibly, I'm indeed kind of unimpressed that we grew a parse for
nodejs' package.json and perl's META.json.  Though I accepted it
because I saw some value, I'm totally in awe of universes where that
is actually needed..
This is very useful for package with components. This is the only way
to be able to `uscan --download-current-version`.

Speakin of components, it would be quite helpful if possible to handle
versions of components - e.g. upgrade all components except
SomeComponent like this:

   `uscan --download-current-version-SomeComponent`

Yes, maybe with a --download-compat-version-SomeComponent which will accept upgrades only if it is semver-compatible (no major updates)

Note that this will be in a separated MR (not related to version change)

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