On 01/12/2021 21:07, Patrice wrote:

Really great!
And could the new uscan read a watch file from version 3/4/5 and output a
version 5 of it by its own (in-place or stdout)?
uscan --standardize

Yes but without optimization neither scheme (except some few fields). Example:


  opts=uversionmangle=s/-/~/g,pgpmode=none \
   https://...  .*(\d[\d\.]*)@ARCHIVE_EXT@

will be translated into:

  Version: 5

  Source: https://...
  Regex: .*(\d[\d\.]*)@ARCHIVE_EXT@
  Uversionmangle: s/-/~/g

You'll have to manually modify it into

  Version: 5
  Scheme: stable

  Source: https://...

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