On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 10:04:47AM +0100, Marc Haber wrote:
> >> >The cloud team wants to make folks aware of a possible change to the cloud
> >> >images.  The team plans to register a new domain, debian.cloud, for 
> >> >mirrors
> >> >inside of cloud provider infrastructure.  For such mirrors, sources.list 
> >> >will
> >> >look like:
> >> >  deb http://<provider>.debian.cloud/debian/ bullseye main
> >> 
> >> Are the IP ranges of the Cloud Providers registered that badly that
> >> deb.debian.org wouldn't reliably point to the mirrors inside the
> >> provider's infrastructure? Or are the cloud providers' mirrors
> >> differnet from what we expect from a Debian mirror?
> >
> >deb.debian.org is served from fastly and AWS CDNs - so it's outside of most
> >cloud provider's infrastructure.
> So it is not possible to hook arbitrary mirrors into deb.debian.org
> and we're dependent on Fastly and AWS here?
> I thought it was something more flexible.

I could be misremembering the conversation, but I believe deb.debian.org
is only fastly at the moment.  It would be technically possible to
direct some clients to other mirrors/CDNs, but the mirror admins are
hesitant to introduce that level of complexity at the moment, as it
would make troubleshooting significantly more difficult.  If fastly
becomes unreliable for some reason, then deb.debian.org would be
repointed to some other back end.


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