Hi Phil (and everyone)

On 2022/03/01 15:10, Philip Wyett wrote:
Thank you for the terse response. The two examples i.e. micronews and the infra 
list do not sound
that this is scheduled work at all. Better communication from teams would 
possibly give better
understanding and the patience of users/developers that is being asked for.

Our GitLab instance (Salsa), have fallen behind multiple versions. This is due to a bunch of different hurdles that all came with their own decisions (I'm going to urge the Salsa admins again to do a write-up about it).

So what's happening now is point-to-point upgrades between all the GitLab versions needed on this upgrade path, along with the migrations between them (which are quite large, Salsa is one of the biggest GitLab instances out there).

So while a huge amount of pent up maintenance is all happening at once now, at least regular updates (and security updates) will be able to run again on short cycles.

(I hope salsa admins don't mind me posting this, but I hope it helps all our contributors better understand what's going on).

On a practical note, please take note of any uploads you do during this downtime, and be sure to do a git push along with the tags when Salsa is back up again.


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