On Mon, 2022-04-04 at 20:52 +0200, Joost van Baal-Ilić wrote:

> Maybe in a next upload of debian-faq, we could get rid of this by-hand stuff.
> Afaik it's only used to get the FAQ content published at
> https://ftp.debian.org/debian/doc/

I think it would be better to send a dak patch turning the manual
processing for debian-faq by-hand into automatic by-hand processing.
There are multiple examples of automatic by-hand processing in dak,
so it should not be very hard to do that.

> Now that we no longer offer our mirrors via ftp

The ftp protocol is irrelevant here, since the documentation is
available on the mirrors irrespective of what protocol is used to
contact them or if the mirror is an offline one available on disk. 

> I guess most of the rationale for doing this is gone.

I think the rationale remains the same; that the mirrors should have a
readable copy of some Debian documentation. If anything I would argue
that that documentation available there should be increased to also
include the Debian install guide and perhaps other documentation.



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