Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
>]] Hanno 'Rince' Wagner 
>> I am a very firm believer of giving people as much information as
>> possible while being responsible. Meaning, that I would love to have
>> that documentation - including a big warning sign which sais "if you
>> follow this path, you may brick your machine and this is your problem,
>> not ours". If someone is interested to learn _how_ the security is
>> done and implemented, why should this be unavailable?
>Sadly, warnings generally don't work because people will ignore them and
>break their systems and then blame the people writing the
>documentation, causing load and grief on people were trying to be
>helpful by writing the docs.
>I don't think we should invest a lot into writing the docs required
>because we can use that effort elsewhere.  Documentation requires
>maintenance, just like everything else and if it's rarely used, we get
>little value out of that effort.  If somebody is very eager to write and
>maintain that documentation over time, by all means, but we haven't seen
>anyone step up to do so.


Alongside doing technical stuff, I've written a fair amount of
user-facing docs for UEFI, shim and secure boot over the last few
years. In the limited time I have available, I've tried to focus on
the common cases for people using an expected simple setup. I'd *love*
some help to cover more of the space.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                      
"We're the technical experts.  We were hired so that management could
 ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs."  -- Mike Andrews

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