Le mercredi 04 mai 2022 à 10:12 -0700, Russ Allbery a écrit :
> Bill Allombert <ballo...@debian.org> writes:
> > I plan to add support for 'XB-Popcon-Reports: no' to popularity-
> > contest.
> > This allows to build packages with private names that will not be
> > reported to popcon, by adding 'XB-Popcon-Reports: no' to
> > debian/control.
> > This must not used by packages in the debian archive, however that
> > can
> > be used by packages generators that create packages with randomly
> > generated names (package names that include 128bit uuid for
> > examples) or
> > by organizations that generates packages for internal use whose
> > name
> > include the organization name.
> > The rationale is that the only info really leaked is the package
> > name,
> > so it only make sense to hide a package if every system that have
> > it
> > installed are also hiding it, so it is better to make it a property
> > of
> > the package than of the system.
> > Any comment ?
> This sounds like a good idea to me.

I do see the need.

> Using an additional binary package control field felt weird to me,
> and I wanted to believe there was some better place to put this
> information rather than introducing yet another boolean control
> field, but after thinking about it for a bit, I couldn't think of any
> better place that made much sense.

If there's a growing list of boolean control fields, isn't it the
indication that some sort of tagging system might make more sense?

Instead of three lines:

XB-Popcon-Reports: no
Rules-Requires-Root: yes
Pants-Need-Washing: yes

The same package could use a single line:

Tags: no-popcon-reports, rules-needs-root, pants-need-washing

(aside: by default rules doesn't need root... that would make one not-
very-useful line less in so many packages!)

Some of our tools might provide easy queries to the feature:

$ apt-cache has-tag rules-needs-root my-beautiful-package

$ apt-cache list-tags my-beautiful-package



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