
I would like to consult my esteemed colleagues as to whether "Pre-Depends: default-jre-headless" is appropriate for a package which ships a systemd service unit that auto-starts after installation, via "ExecStart=/usr/bin/java".

The package being worked on is PuppetDB:

The problem is that currently, during installation on a system that doesn't yet carry "/usr/bin/java", the "puppetdb" package is configured *before* "openjdk-11-jre-headless" which itself is a dependency for "default-jre-headless"

This leads the service unit to enter the failed state as the update-alternatives postinst bits from "openjdk-11-jre-headless" have not yet run: so at the moment the puppetdb postinst attempts to start the systemd unit, the "/usr/bin/java" symlink is non-existent.

If the puppetdb package is somehow to blame for this behavior, and this can be fixed without a Pre-Depends, I'll be happy to impement the required changes.

Thank you,

-- Jerome

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