On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 10:36 AM Samuel Henrique <samuel...@debian.org>

> On Tue 20 Sept 2022, 01:39 Paul Wise, <p...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 2022-09-19 at 18:54 +0200, Andrea Pappacoda wrote:
> > Hi, what I usually do with GitHub is to use its API, since it has the
> > advantage of not breaking uscan when they do changes to the web UI.
> Since the API uses pagination, this has the minor downside of making it
> harder to use the uscan --download-version option with older versions.
> The GitHub pages are also paginated, so you get the same issue whether
> using the API or not.

There is a per_page parameter:
E.g. https://api.github.com/repos/torvalds/linux/tags?per_page=100
The maximum is 100 though.


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