A while ago I split the policykit-1 package into two binary packages: - polkitd: the authorization daemon and associated utilities - pkexec: the sudo-like tool to run arbitrary commands as root
policykit-1 is a transitional package to pull in both. Since upgrading to upstream version 121 which uses JavaScript as the primary format for authorization rules, it also pulls in polkitd-pkla (also known as polkit-pkla-compat upstream), which provides backwards compatibility with sysadmins' existing .pkla authorization policies if any. I'd like to reduce the number of dependencies on the transitional policykit-1 package for bookworm, ideally to zero. This gives us two desirable properties: - The setuid /usr/bin/pkexec will be present on fewer systems, reducing attack surface: for example CVE-2021-4034 only affected pkexec, and polkitd was not vulnerable. After we get the dependencies fixed, I would expect to see pkexec installed on typical laptop/desktop systems, but not on typical servers. - New installations won't get polkitd-pkla, so it's easier to see what policies are applied and in what order (all backwards-compatibility .pkla files get applied in the middle of the new sequence of .rules files, which can be quite confusing). A template bug mail: -------------------------------- 8< ----------------------------------- This package has a Depends, Recommends, Suggests or Build-Depends on the transitional package policykit-1, which has been separated into polkitd and pkexec packages. If this package communicates with polkitd via D-Bus, please represent that as a Depends, Recommends or Suggests on polkitd, whichever is appropriate. If this package runs /usr/bin/pkexec, please represent that as a Depends, Recommends or Suggests on pkexec, whichever is appropriate. If this package requires polkit at build-time (usually for the gettext extensions polkit.its and polkit.loc), please build-depend on both libpolkit-gobject-1-dev and polkitd, even if the package does not actually depend on libpolkit-gobject-1 at runtime. This is because the gettext extensions are currently in polkitd, but might be moved to libpolkit-gobject-1-dev in future (see #955204). pkexec is usually not required at build-time. For packages that are expected to be backported to bullseye, it's OK to use an alternative dependency: polkitd | policykit-1 and/or pkexec | policykit-1. -------------------------------- 8< ----------------------------------- dd-list attached. I've tried to filter out false positives for packages that already use polkitd | policykit-1, such as flatpak. The next Lintian release will emit a depends-on-obsolete-package error for dependencies on policykit-1 (and several other transitional packages) which will help to make progress in this direction. Thanks, smcv
Alessio Treglia <ales...@debian.org> rtkit (U) Andrea Bolognani <e...@kiyuko.org> libvirt (U) libvirt-dbus (U) Andreas Messer <a...@bastelmap.de> elogind (U) Andrew Lee (李健秋) <ajq...@debian.org> lxde-metapackages (U) lxsession (U) Andrew Pollock <apoll...@debian.org> isc-dhcp (U) Andriy Grytsenko <and...@rep.kiev.ua> lxde-metapackages (U) lxsession (U) Anibal Monsalve Salazar <ani...@debian.org> gparted (U) Anthony Fok <f...@debian.org> timekpr-next (U) Antonio Cardoso Martins <digiplan...@gmail.com> guidedog Arnaud Ferraris <aferra...@debian.org> modemmanager (U) Aron Xu <a...@debian.org> network-manager (U) Axel Beckert <a...@debian.org> wicd (U) Barak A. 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