
On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 11:25:13AM +0100, Andrej Shadura wrote:
> The version of pkgconf package providing the pkg-config binary package has 
> been sitting in experimental for some time. I think I have tested the upgrade 
> process quite extensively, but it would still be great if someone else could 
> have a look. In any case, my plan is to upload it to unstable in about two 
> weeks time. I will then commence another round of rebuilds; meanwhile I will 
> be working on fixing issues I’ve already run into:
> https://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/bts-usertags.cgi?user=andrewsh%40debian.org&tag=pkgconf-rebuild-ftbfs

Since jellyfish is listed at that link, I tried to dig further and it "seems" 
that pkgconf
does not honor PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR. More details at #1022087


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