Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Peter Pentchev <>

* Package name    : python-test-stages
  Version         : 0.1.1
  Upstream Contact: Peter Pentchev <>
* URL             :
* License         : BSD-2-clause
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Run Tox, Nox, etc. tests in groups, stopping on errors

The `test-stages` library provides command-line tools that wrap
Python test environment runners such as Tox or Nox,
invoking them so as the various tests are run in parallel, in groups,
as specified on the command line. This allows the fastest tests to be run
first, and the slower ones to only be started if it makes sense (e.g. if
tools like [ruff] or [flake8] did not uncover any trivial syntax errors).

The `tox-stages` tool runs Tox with the specified groups of test
environments, stopping if any of the tests in a group should fail.
This allows quick static check tools like e.g. `ruff` to stop
the testing process early, and also allows scenarios like running
all the static check tools before the package's unit or functional
tests to avoid unnecessary failures on simple errors.

The syntax for grouping the test environments to be run is described in
the `parse-stages` library's documentation.

This package will be maintained as part of the Debian Python Team.

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