On Thu, 9 Apr 1998, Anders Hammarquist wrote:

> I'm looking into packaging CMU's coda distributed filesystem. It is based on 
> AFS, with enhancements to allow disconnected use. There are kernel drivers 
> for 
> it in the 2.1.x series and they are available as patches for the 2.0.x series.
> Seeing that there are other kernel module packages available for the 
> distributed 2.0.x kernel, would it be useful to package up a kernel-module of 
> coda for 2.0? (I'll probably look in to that as well... Though I tend to be 
> on 
> the bleeding edge myself.)
> Now, on to the copyright question. The following is an excerpt from one file 
> (coda-src/vice/srvproc.cc to be exact). The CMU licence does not seem to pose 
> a problem, but the IBM notice is rather unclear. The only thing that is 
> obvious is that CMU can distribute the source. It would also appear that 
> derrived works are allowed. Thoughts please...
> Regards,
> /Anders


The first part seems dfsg compliant to me.

>                          IBM COPYRIGHT NOTICE
>                           Copyright (C) 1986
>              International Business Machines Corporation
>                          All Rights Reserved
> This  file  contains  some  code identical to or derived from the 1986
> version of the Andrew File System ("AFS"), which is owned by  the  IBM
> Corporation.    This  code is provded "AS IS" and IBM does not warrant
> that it is free of infringement of  any  intellectual  rights  of  any
> third  party.    IBM  disclaims  liability of any kind for any damages
> whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from use of this  software
> or  of  any  derivative work.  Carnegie Mellon University has obtained
> permission to distribute this code, which is based on Version 2 of AFS
> and  does  not  contain the features and enhancements that are part of
> Version 3 of AFS.  Version 3 of  AFS  is  commercially  available  and
> supported by Transarc Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA.

The way I read this, it is only a disclaimer and a statement that says CMU
has permission to distribute the software. It does not impose any
restrictions on modification or distribution of the code. But I am not a


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