On Jun 08, Raphael Hertzog <hert...@debian.org> wrote:

> In the same spirit, I'd like to throw an idea... could we decide that
> base-files is the first package to be configured as part of the bootstrap
> protocol and change base-files maintainer's scripts into statically linked
> executables so that they can work even if we don't have the library loader
> on the ABI-compliant path?
It could be even easier: base-files could be unpacked once without 
running the maintainer scripts and then "reinstalled" again later as 

> And creating the required symlinks would be done by those (standalone)
> maintainer scripts...
> I don't know if we already have some rule/invariant in the configuration
> order of the unpacked packages, but I doubt so.
Indeed, this would be very simple and it has already been proposed.
But somebody then complained that special-casing a package would violate 
the design contraints he self-imposed to his own image building tool, 
and as we all know every Debian maintainer can veto any systemic changes 
that they do not like.


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