On Sat, Jun 17, 2023 at 6:39 PM Guillem Jover <guil...@debian.org> wrote:
> By reading #594672 and a quick skim over #551034, these seem to have
> been the same project, but the version introduced later as dhcpcd5 was
> a new major version with an incompatible redesign, which would break
> on upgrade, that's why it was not packaged at the time using the same
> source package. So to me it makes sense to avoid adding the epoch to
> avoid automatic upgrades like it was avoided in the past, otherwise
> people might expect a smooth upgrade path. Also for reference the old
> dhcpcd was removed from Debian in 2014:
>   https://packages.qa.debian.org/d/dhcpcd.html


> Unfortunately, even though this was long ago, there seems to still be
> a short tail of such package installed on systems:
>   https://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=dhcpcd5

Most of these are likely the result of transitional dhcpcd5 pulling in dhcpcd.

> > The bug seems to only affect your binary package dhcpcd, so
> > maybe a possible option could be to move ressources provided by
> > the dhcpcd package to dhcpcd5 and remove the dhcpcd package.  It
> > would avoid you the epoch bump and the hassle to handle the
> > version bump from the old fork, but it also might confuse people
> > using the package.  What do you think?
> The only problem I see with leaving things as is, is that some users
> might not notice they need to upgrade. It would be nice if we had some
> way to notify of these kind of obsolete packages or upgrades.
> But if you end up deciding on adding the epoch, then yeah please, just
> add it to the affected binary package (even though in this case that
> matches the source package, so it's going to be sticking forever I guess
> anyway :/).

# Wheezy had (1:3.2.3-11+deb7u1) so reintroduce the epoch for one target.
    dh_gencontrol --package=dhcpcd -- -v1:$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM_REVISION)
    dh_gencontrol --remaining-packages

This is what I would do if the archive policy demands it. Won't affect
transitional dhcpcd5 or dhcpcd-base.


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