On Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 02:39:00PM -0400, Thomas Ward wrote:
>    This is not yet removed if I read the changelog from Debian.There are
>    additional components in the source code which quote these that suggest it
>    may be prudent for a complete deletion.  Downstream in Ubuntu, this
>    package was removed due to violation of the Ubuntu Code of Conduct [2],
>    and as the package in Ubuntu and the package in Debian are identical to
>    each other, it may be prudent for the Debian community to remove the
>    package in Unstable and Testing for similar reasons.  However, this was
>    extended to the source package as the *source contents* contain the
>    offensive wording, etc.
>    Can we put this package into the 'considered for removal' list or simply
>    remove the package as violation of the Debian Code of Conduct from all
>    releases?
I will offer the classic, "if you don't want to be offended, then don't
install the package or look at its sources." I mean, if you're going to
wave the code of conduct around (or Andy in the case of the initial
report), then perhaps we ought to distinguish between what the code of
conduct was very clearly intended to govern, i.e., personal
communication between participants in the various means of communication
available to participants in the Debian project, and what is contained
in fortunes-mod (and other packages*), which is written content
originating from various sources, none of which was created or
communicated in a way which any reasonable interpretation of the code of
conduct would cover.

* I'll return to the other packages in a moment.

However, that sort of thing seems never to be adequate for those who
seem to insist on policing everyone and everything for the sake
preventing the delicate sensibilities of who knows whom from being
offended, as evidenced by the willingness to blatantly abuse the code of
conduct to contort it to cover something it plainly does not cover, nor
was it intended to cover.

All of that said, let's return to the other packages. If content in
fortunes-mod can be labeled homophobic, misogynist, misandrist, racist
(whatever meaning happens to be attached to those words at the moment),
then the same can be said of a substantial fraction of the content in
fortunes-es. The similarly offensive content in fortunes-es should
result in its removal.

Also, if quoting Mein Kampf or anything else from Hitler is problematic,
then perhaps fortune-anarchism (source package blag-fortune) should also
be considered for removal. It includes quotes from numerous individuals
who have themselves engaged in terrorism or other violence toward
individuals and groups, supported those who have engaged in such
activities, or been otherwise complicit in such.

So, let's at least be consistent.


Roberto C. Sánchez

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