N.B. apt-listchanges has been upgraded to 4.1 in experimental with some significant fixes, so if you're testing 4.0, please upgrade to 4.1, and if you're not testing yet, what are you waiting for? ;-)

Thanks to everyone who has tested and helped identify the issues fixed in 4.1!



On 10/8/23 11:27, Jonathan Kamens wrote:

Hello friends,

I've adopted apt-listchanges and pushed a new version, 4.0, to experimental, with a bunch of fixes in it. Given how extensive the changes are, I'd appreciate some testing from folks here before it gets promoted to unstable. This package is widely used so it's kind of important for us to get this right. ;-)

You can view the changelog.Debian.gz in the deb itself or here <https://salsa.debian.org/debian/apt-listchanges/-/blob/4.0/debian/changelog>.

One thing you may notice is that because the method of tracking which changelogs the user has already seen (see here <https://salsa.debian.org/debian/apt-listchanges/-/blob/4.0/doc/design_notes/what_to_display.md> or /usr/share/doc/apt-listchanges/what_to_display.html in the deb for details), the database needs to be populated with data for existing packages during upgrades, so the first time a package is upgraded after the switch to the new method, it will be slightly slower. I have a plan for addressing that but it hasn't been implemented yet (and indeed, requires advice from folks here for me to get it right, so I'll be sending another message after this one to ask for that advice).

Also, I'm still waiting on some translations, so you may notice some English strings in foreign locales. There is no need to report this to me, I'm aware.

Please file bugs, reply in this thread, or email me privately with any feedback as you deem appropriate. If you try it out and everything's fine and you can take a moment to email me and let me know that as well, I'd appreciate it, since that'll give me confirmation that it's gone through some testing by people other than me.

Thank you,

Jonathan Kamens

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