Otto Kekäläinen:

Currently Lintian requires a (source or binary) package to check[1].
However, many of the Lintian source package checks (e.g. spelling of
debian/changelog entries) don't strictly depend on anything being built.

Is anyone aware of a way to run lintian directly on a debian/ directory
contents as-is without doing a source build first?

I am exploring this in order to get my text editor to nag about findings
immediately without separate source build steps.



Paul already answered the lintian part, so I will skip that. But I also wanted to suggest looking into integrated spell-checking in your editor if possible. Having integrated spell-check will enable a much faster feedback loop. As an example, if you are using a Jetbrains IDE (such as CLion or PyCharm Community Edition), then I added a plugin (`Debian Packaging Support`), which among other has spell-checking of d/changelog + the description fields inside d/control.

Alternatively, for spell-checks, I think someone once wrote a "spellintian" that could use lintian's dataset for spell checking without running the full lintian program. Not sure what became of it.

Best regards,

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