Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Maytham Alsudany <>
Control: block 1059406 by -1

* Package name    : golang-github-etherlabsio-go-m3u8
  Version         : 1.0.0
  Upstream Contact: Tan Quang Ngo <>
* URL             :
* License         : Expat
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description     : parse and generate m3u8 playlists for HLS

 go-m3u8 provides easy generation and parsing of m3u8 playlists defined in the
 HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) Internet Draft published by Apple.
   * The library completely implements version 20 of the HLS Internet Draft.
   * Provides parsing of an m3u8 playlist into an object model from any File,
     io.Reader or string.
   * Provides ability to write playlist to a string via String()
   * Distinction between a master and media playlist is handled automatically
     (single Playlist class).
   * Optionally, the library can automatically generate the audio/video codecs
     string used in the CODEC attribute based on specified H.264, AAC, or MP3
     options (such as Profile/Level).

Dependency of

This package will be maintained within the Go team, and I will need a sponsor.

Kind regards,
Maytham Alsudany

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