I have implemented the OpenAI API frontend, with streaming to terminal
enabled. Just export your OPENAI_API_KEY to environment if you have one,
and specify `-F openai` in the debgpt command line. It work work without
the self-hosted LLM inference backend.

That means the command `debgpt none -i -F openai` falls back to a general
terminal client to ChatGPT. I believe adding this frontend allows more
people to try LLMs with debian-specific tasks conveniently.

Since the openai frontend allows people to use this tool without pytorch
and a bunch of deep learning frameworks, I plan to upload debgpt to
experimental/non-free, following python-openai (unstable/non-free).
Packages in debian archive should be enough to run the openai frontend,
but not for the self-hosted LLM backend.

The following are my replies to previous comments:

On 1/2/24 17:49, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
but one of the most
useful ways I've seen LLM leveraged is large open source projects
feeding in their corpus of complex documentation, and then providing
users with a human language interaction prompt where they can ask
questions and get conversational responses based on that
documentation. A continuously trained LLM backing a sort of "search"
function for all of www.d.o/doc (and maybe also wiki.d.o) could be
Yes. So the `debgpt policy ...` and `debgpt devref` are two examples on
letting LLM read long documents and answer questions. The problem is that
the full document is too long, while the supported context length is
just 4k ~ 16k tokens for openai api, or 8k tokens for self-hosted mistral7b.

Through merely prompt engineering, of course we cannot feed the whole policy
document to the context. Because solely section 4.9.1 is already overlength
against the typical chatgpt model gpt-3.5-turbo.

That's why the interface is designed to feed a specific section of long
document. That said, with more works, I think it should be possible to
feed the LLM the table of contents first, and let it choose a section it
wants to refer based on your question.

On 1/3/24 02:58, Andrius Merkys wrote:
I find this pretty impressive. Thanks a lot for working on it.
Thanks. I had fun experimenting with this.

To me the most time consuming task in Debian recently is the Python transitions. I wonder whether DebGPT could help with them. Maybe there are other, non-Debian-specific GPTs for this task, but I would prefer a Debian one.
This is in fact not Debian specific. Essentially the current status of this
project is almost a prompt generator, automatically gathering information
about the task you specified in the command line, and send all the information to LLM. It is not different from using the web-based ChatGPT, by copy and pasting
the same information before asking the question to LLM.

But if the requirement is relatively loose -- it can be seen as Debian specific. Particularly for ChatGPT, there is a debian-specific system prompt in debgpt/frontend.py,
which asks ChatGPT to play the role of a Debian developer when responding.

On 1/3/24 04:33, Andrius Merkys wrote:
Mostly failing tests, and mostly due to API changes between subsequent Python 3.x versions.
My idea is to extract the failure from the BTS, and append the "breaking changes" section of the cpython changelog, and see what suggestion the LLM can provide. I do not expect perfect bug fixing suggestions but it should be able to conclude
something. The corresponding cli may look like this:

$ debgpt bts --id BUG_NUMBER --pychange 3.11-3.12 free -i   # to be implemented

Or possily pull the list of recent github upstream issues list, and let LLM
figure out which upstream bug or pull request is most relevant.

$ debgpt bts --id BUG_NUMBER --upstream_issues free -i  # to be implemented

The upstream issues webpage can be found in the Control/metadata file, and the source package name can be typically found in the bugs page. This automatic process should be able to
save people some time.

On 1/3/24 07:06, Andrey Rakhmatullin wrote:
So the solution is either find a patch in the upstream repo (committed or
proposed in issues/PRs) or write one yourself. Not sure what can AI help
here with.
We can ask LLMs to suggest a fix to the bug. Or let LLM to check whether the recent upstream issues list contains a title which might be relevant to the content of the debian bug report.

For instance, the LLM can tell `Syntax error: ....,   print "hello world"` is most relevant to an upstream pull request named, e.g. `[pull-request] initial python3 support`, and directly give you the pull request link. (you may have to retry a couple of times to make it think
correctly though).

I made up a test sample about this at:

Complicated inference tasks are what we hope LLMs can do very well eventually. Grasping the semantics of natural language is something traditional software can
never do.

On 1/3/24 03:09, PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel wrote:
Is it planed to package transformers in Debian instead of using conda/mamba 
venv for this installation ?
transformers has nearly 100 build dependencies, and the pytorch depenency tree
is already big enough. it is planned. I filed the ITP long time ago.

That said, if somebody is willing to use commercial API, we should be able to
install debgpt from non-free soon. (see beginning of this email).
* It would be great to help with the Debian patch workflow.
   - upstream status
Do you mean uscan? Or letting LLM read the home page to see whether the project
is still maintained?
   - find upstream bug equivalent to a Debian bug report.
This is a very good proposal. I'll implement this. See my response to Andrius.
   - prepare bug report for upstream.
LLMs are terribly good at generating boiler plate texts, such as business email
templates, etc. But the core part, like extracting the core error message
from buildd logs, are still done by human.

But if you are just tired of formatting the text, fixing grammar errors,
or polishing the language, LLMs are already terribly perfect at it.
   - propose improved patch description.
This is already implemented, and you can ask LLM to describe any file of your interest.

For example, I can let debgpt to explain its own code file:

  $ debgpt file -f debgpt/llm.py free -i

  me> what does this file do?
  LLM>  This file is a Python script that implements a conversational chatbot based         on a language model. The chatbot is designed to generate responses based on         user inputs. The specific language model used in this script is Mistral7B,         although there is also support for Mixtral8x7B. The script allows users to         interact with the chatbot either through a command-line interface or through         an IPython session. The script also saves the chat session log to a file for
        later reference.
  (the backend is openai gpt-3.5-turbo-16k)

As the author of the code, I'd say the summary is perfect. It will work for patches.
* doing request on codesearch.net
What does a DD want when they go to codesearch.net?
This is not concrete enough to translate into something LLM can well understood.

On 1/2/24 17:07, M. Zhou wrote:
Following what has been discussed in d-project in an offtopic
subthread, I prepared some demo on imagined use cases to
leverage LLMs to help debian development.

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