I have a package which has an extensive test suite that relies on using
docker/podman to create a container for it's test runner and mounts the
build tree read-only inside it. If docker or podman is found at the time
of configure, it will include a check target to run the full suite and
dh_auto_test will automatically invoke it as part of the binary package
build. Otherwise, it is just skipped with a message and builds without
running any tests.

When I run dpkg-buildpage to build locally, I get the test suite as I
have it installed, but when I build with pbuilder or schroot, the tests
get skipped. Should I add a build-depenency on podman or is there some
mechanism to make it optional? I suppose I could just try adding the
package to my referenec images so it's there when I build inside a
chroot(), but does buildd normally try to run test suites when available
after a new source package is uploaded? Or it that not normally done on
the build server?

Loren M. Lang

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