
Am Fri, Feb 09, 2024 at 06:46:58PM +0100 schrieb Andreas Metzler:
> Looking at "your" bug #1062097 it looks like you were unlucky, mine all
> had a fat warning "NOTICE: these changes must not be uploaded to
> unstable yet!".

I also was trapping into that pitfall when I was intending to fix
an RC bug quickly and simply failed to read the whole message.
Just happens and was reverted soon.
> There was a little bit of discussion about the delay on
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2024/02/msg00272.html but it
> has not yielded a plan yet.

I perfectly understand that complex things might lead to delays.
However, given that I'm in several teams with lots of libraries my
mailbox gets filled with lots of messages about testing removals 
which are absolutely useless since I can't do anything about this.

I wonder how we can get rid of these messages.  Two things come
into my mind:

  1. Demote severity of the time_t related bugs to non-RC
  2. Patch the script that sends testing removal warnings
     to ignore time_t related bugs

It would be very convinient if this could be solved.  Currently
I simply remove all mails containing the pattern "testing removal"
since I can't handle the current amount sensibly.  Unfortunately
that way I'm missing perfectly valid messages caused by "real"
RC bugs.

Just using the chance to thank all people working on time_t
transition and release team for the generally helpful mails


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