Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>

* Package name    : pynx
  Version         : 2023.1.2-1
  Upstream Contact:
* URL             :
* License         : CeCILL-B
  Programming Lang: (OpenCL, Python)
  Description     : Python tools for Nano-structures Crystallography

 PyNX stands for *Python tools for Nano-structures Crystallography*.
 It is a python library with the following main modules:
 1) pynx.scattering: *X-ray scattering computing using graphical
 processing units*, allowing up to 2.5x10^11 reflections/atoms/seconds
 (single nVidia Titan X). The sub-module``pynx.scattering.gid`` can be
 used for *Grazing Incidence Diffraction* calculations, using the
 Distorted Wave Born Approximation
 2) pynx.ptycho : simulation and analysis of experiments using the
 *ptychography* technique, using either CPU (deprecated) or GPU using
 OpenCL.  Examples are available in the pynx/Examples
 directory. Scripts for analysis of raw data from beamlines are also
 available, as well as using or producing ptychography data sets in
 CXI (Coherent X-ray Imaging) format.
 3) pynx.wavefront: *X-ray wavefront propagation* in the near, far
 field, or continuous (examples available at the end of
 ````).  Also provided are sub-modules for Fresnel
 propagation and simulation of the illumination from a Fresnel Zone
 Plate, both using OpenCL for high performance computing.
 4) pynx.cdi: *Coherent Diffraction Imaging* reconstruction algorithms
 using GPU.
 In addition, it includes :doc:`scripts <scripts/index>` for
 command-line processing of ptychography data from generic CXI data
 (pynx-ptycho-cxi) or specific to beamlines (pynx-ptycho-id01,

This package will be naintain in the Debian-Science repository by the
Debian-PAN team

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