On Tue, Apr 14, 1998 at 10:28:34AM -0400, Alex Yukhimets wrote:

> > Find the IP Masq HOWTO and make use of same.  It'll save you LOTS of pain.
> Hi.

Hi back  =>

> The thing is that I had a prefectly working IPmasq setup, with rules
> changed in ip-up and ip-down.

hmm, now there's an idea.  Since I don't use diald or similar, I just set
the rules static.  The biggest reason for my use of iqmasq is rc5, so..

> I just wanted to give a try of ipmasq _package_.
> And configuration script does _not_ take into account the possibility of
> external interface with dynamic IP. OK, if this package is not for people with
> dial-up then description should mention that and at least postinst should
> finally ask whether to activate the rules based on the entered IPs.

Yes, it should take that into account I think.  I'm tempted to go snag it
and see what I can do to the package to make it nicer (unless the
maintainer wishes to do it..)

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