"G. Branden Robinson" <g.branden.robin...@gmail.com> writes:

> At 2024-03-31T22:32:49+0000, Stefano Rivera wrote:
>> Upstreams would probably prefer that we used git repositories
>> *directly* as source artifacts, but that comes with a whole other can
>> of worms...
> Speaking from my upstream groff perspective, I wouldn't _prefer_ that.
> The distribution archives get build-testing on a much wider variety of
> systems, thanks to people on the groff@ and platform-testers@gnu mailing
> lists that help out when a release candidate is announced.  They have
> access to platforms more exotic that I and a few other bleeding-edge
> HEAD mavens do.  This practice tangibly improved the quality of the
> groff 1.23.0 release, especially on surviving proprietary Unix systems.
> Building from the repo, or using the bootstrap script--which Colin
> Watson just today ensured will be in future distribution archives--is
> fine.[1]  I'm glad some people build the project that way.  But I think
> that procedure serves an audience that is distinguishable in some ways.

Running ./bootstrap in a tarball may lead to different results than the
maintainer running ./bootstrap in pristine git.  It is the same problem
as running 'autoreconf -fvi' in a tarball does not necessarily lead to
the same result as the maintainer running 'autoreconf -fvi' from
pristine git.  The different is what is pulled in from the system
environment.  Neither tool was designed to be run from within a tarball,
so this is just bad practice that never worked reliable and without a
lot of complexity it will likely not become reliable either.

I have suggested before that upstream's (myself included) should publish
PGP-signed *-src.tar.gz tarballs that contain the entire pristine git
checkout including submodules, *.po translations, and whatever else is
required to actually build the project that is normally pulled in from
external places (autoconf archive macros?).  This *-src.tar.gz tarball
should be possible to ./bootstrap and that would be the intended way to
build it for people who care about vendored files.  Thoughts?  Perhaps I
should formalize this proposal a bit more.


> Regards,
> Branden
> [1] 
> https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/groff.git/commit/?id=822fef56e9ab7cbe69337b045f6f20e32e25f566

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