On Apr 07, Wookey <woo...@wookware.org> wrote:

> I think that's a mistake, and I'm not a fan. Because so far as I can
> tell 'use salsa' actually means 'maintain your packages in git'. So
> far as I can see it is not possible to use our existing 'uscan, patch,
> sbuild, dupload' type workflows with Salsa. And that's why I'm not
> using it, and don't want to be made to use it.
I started using git quite late and spent really a lot of time trying to 
understand how it fit in my quilt workflow (I loved quilt), but in the 
end I figured out that it maps well to a patch unapplied gbp-like 

If no changes to the packaging are needed then it's just:

uscan --rename
gbp import-orig ../package_*.tar.xz
dch -v $(cat VERSION)-1 'New upstream release.'
git add debian/changelog
git commit
git tag ...
dpkg-source --build .
pbuilder build $(ls -1tr ../*.dsc | tail -1)
dupload ...

Check the rpki-client repository for an example.

(Using gbp is not mandatory, but it allows to import with just one 
command the upstream tar archive or git tree reference.)

And now having the full git history of my packages is invaluable when 
trying to understand what has changed and when.


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