On Tue, Apr 09, 2024 at 07:43:04PM +0200, Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues 
> > And I do just prefer having two directories rather than multiple
> > version on top of each other. My simple brain finds it a lot easier to
> > keep track of a version directory to diff between, rather than finding
> > the right runes to get git to give meld faked-up directories pointing
> > at revisions or branches.
> I found this paragraph really interesting because reading your other emails I
> was wondering "well but how else do you do it then??" :D Maybe this is just
> muscle memory? Your directories are just my git branches. Instead of "cd
> ../source-verX" I'd do "git switch verX". Personally, I find git branches
> superior to directories because the git commit messages in each branch allow 
> me
> to describe what this feature-branch is doing much better than a directory 
> name
> could. A stack of commits in a branch allows me to trace back what changes I
> did in what order when I worked on a feature. By pushing the branches to 
> salsa,
> I enable collaboration on my work by doing not much more than running "git 
> push
> --set-upstream origin myfeature".
And of course git can emulate the other workflow using git-worktree.


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