Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Massimo Manghi <>

* Package name    : tcl-ooxml
  Version         : 1.8
  Upstream Contact: Alexander Schöpe <>
* URL             :
* License         : BSD-3
  Programming Lang: Tcl
  Description     : Read and Write Office Open XML "XLSX" since Excel 2007

This package contains several commands to edit Excel files. The three most 
important are the following three:
  * Importing Excel files into a Tcl array with ::ooxml::xl_read, 
  * Exporting Tcl data to an Excel file with ::ooxml::xl_write 
  * Exporting Tcl tablelist to an Excel file with ::ooxml::tablelist_to_xl.

The relevance of this tool is self-evident, being documents produced with
the Office Open XML format one of the more important ways of data interchange 
the non-free and widely used applications such as MS-Excel 

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