Quoting Andrey Rakhmatullin (2024-05-06 19:14:40)
> On Mon, May 06, 2024 at 04:50:50PM +0100, Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:
> > > tmpfiles.d snippets can be defined to cleanup on a timer _anything_,
> > 
> > It's a question of what the *default* behaviour should be.
> > 
> > For whatever reason, a lot of people who process large data use
> > /var/tmp/FOO/ as a place to store information that should not be
> > backed up, but also should not just disappear.
> To be honest I'm greatly surprised by this idea, and by the suggestion
> that a lot of people do this, to me this is very similar by that half-joke
> about people storing useful files in the Recycle Bin.

I'm doing exactly that. I use paper I already printed stuff on but which were
misprints or which are no longer useful to me and are just destined for the
recycling bin to write stuff on that is important to me. After I'm done with my
work on this scrap paper I decide what I want to keep and copy to permanent
storage and what I want to really throw away.

I would not like if (suppose I had a person cleaning up my stuff) a cleaning
person came to my desk, saw that there was obvious scrap paper ultimately
destined for the bin and threw that away every once in a while. I might be
taking my notes on what is ultimately for the trash but I want to be the one to
decide when to bring the trash out.

Thank you for this great example! :)

cheers, josch

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